BITG coin masternode – Build latest version from source on Centos 7

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BITG coin masternode
Build latest version from source on Centos 7

First of all you have to  update your centos system and install dependencies for centos 7 .You can find it at below link

How to install dependencies for setup masternode on Centos 7

Don’t start here without doing ” install dependencies for centos 7 ” step.If you did it before you can skip it. Lets Begin .

Solve ” fatal error: chiabls/bls.hpp: No such file or directory
#include <chiabls/bls.hpp> ” error

[root@thrift1 testdelete]# wget
[root@thrift1 testdelete]# tar -zxvf cmake-3.16.0.tar.gz
[root@thrift1 testdelete]# cd cmake-3.16.0
[root@thrift1 cmake-3.6.2]# sudo ./bootstrap –prefix=/usr/local
[root@thrift1 cmake-3.6.2]# sudo make
[root@thrift1 cmake-3.6.2]# sudo make install
[root@thrift1 cmake-3.6.2]# vi ~/.bash_profile
[root@thrift1 ~]# cmake –version
cmake version 3.16.0

unzip v2018*

Solve ” configure A compiler with support for C++14 language features is required. ” error

1. # yum install centos-release-scl
2. # yum install devtoolset-7-gcc-c++
Every time I want gcc to default to using GCC 7, I run the following:

1. $ scl enable devtoolset-7 bash

Download, Build and Install BITG daemon from source

Connect to your centos 7 system with putty or any other terminal screen and login. Write or copy/paste below commands to run on your terminal .

cd /usr/src

sudo git clone

cd bitgreen

sudo chmod +x share/

sudo chmod +x

chmod +x

chmod +x configure

sudo chmod 755 src/leveldb/build_detect_platform


./configure --prefix=/opt/bitg PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig LIBS=-Wl,-rpath,/opt/openssl/lib --disable-tests --disable-bench


make install
  1. After make install finished , your builded daemon files will be copied to /opt/bitg/bin/  directory. You can see the files with commands below;
cd /opt/bitg/bin/


If you dont want to use ” make install ” , you can find builded daemon files on this path;


Copy your daemon files before cleanout your system !!!!!

Clean out unrequired files from system

We builded and installed bitgreen masternode daemon to our centos 7 system. Now we can delete unrequired files from system, you don’t need them anymore. These are the cleaning commands;

cd /usr/src/

rm -rfd bitgreen

Open required port on firewall

Commands below are for open required port on firewall for communication. If you don’t open the port, your wallet doesn’t sync and doesn’t work !!!

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=9333/tcp --permanent

firewall-cmd --reload

Most used daemon commands:

./bitgreend -daemon   // starts the masternode daemon
./bitgreen-cli stop   // stops the masternode daemon
./bitgreen-cli getinfo   // get general info
./bitgreen-cli getblockcounts  // shows last block number
./bitgreen-cli masternode status   // shows masternode status
./bitgreen-cli mnsync status   // shows maternode syncronisation  status

Links :

Required coin to run a masternode :  2500 BITG

Website :

Github :

Explorer 1 :

Explorer 2 :

Masternode setup :

Coinmarketcap :

Exchanges : 


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